References - Realisation of a Shop System for the DMT Group (a Division of TÜV NORD GROUP)

Planning, development, training and supervision of eCommerce

Planning, development and supervision of eCommerce of the shop system for DMT GmbH & Co. KG 

For the DMT Group’s global B2B trade, we, HQ GmbH, developed and implemented a new web shop. The basis for this shop was the Shopware Professional Plus Edition.

The world’s first online shop for test and standard dusts is supposed to make accessing testing standards more easy for experts, as well as abbreviate order processes. 
Our client now organises the sale of test and standard dusts online. The shop’s visitors can gather information about the different dusts and their application in advance and subsequently order online. 
This web shop was created both in German and English. 

Finding the correct dust for testing products such as vacuum cleaners, filters etc. has, up until now, required a lot of time and patience. 
Manufacturers from industries such as aviation, vacuum cleaning, cars, filters and pharmaceuticals examine their products with dusts following predefined standards in order to be able to sell them on the market. Up until now, finding the correct dust for this examination has required a lot of time.
This is detrimental for all parties involved, and has been remedied through this new online shop. 

Conception of the shop system as well as planning the procedure for the individual processes. 

As part of this, we have, among others, carried out the following developments:

Adjustment of registration

This adjustment of the registration was necessary so that the VAT number was only required for users of EU states except for Germany.  
Further, a plug on was developed for customer specific password guidelines. 

Entwicklung Quicklogin für den Shopware Webshop der DMT Group

Plug in for Quick login / Quick logout

We have developed a new plug in for DMT through which a quick log in and log out are possible.  

Development of an export plug in for importing orders into SAP 

With this plug in, automatic creation of recurring exports for the import of orders into SAP for further processing by the customer is possible.

Creation of PDF specifications which are carried out from the product

This enables the visitor of the online shop to create the product specifications as a PDF directly in the product overview. 

Import of individual products based on an Excel table 

In order to make the import of new products or the update of existing products as easy as possible for the customer, an import plug in was developed, via which Excel tables can simply be uploaded for product maintenance.

Umsetzung von ohne Login keine Preise und Erstellung von PDF-Produktspezifikationen

Integrations of extensive shipping rules by zone and weight for worldwide trade

Since the DMT Group ships their products worldwide and needs to adhere to several delivery options, customs regulations, and customs as well as shipping costs, comprehensive shipping rules were implemented. Simultaneously, we included the possibility to automatically create pro forma invoices for the purpose of clearing. 

Integration of various approval processes incl. different email templates used for new customers

Another special feature was the implementation of various personalized e-mails, which are sent to the customers. This way, customers are personally addressed and informed depending on the demographic group they belong to. 

Special export of an order as Excel file 

Within the corporate environment, there exist numerous requirements for statistical evaluations. Various export functions were developed, which reach far beyond the normal export offered by Shopware.

Other implemented features 

Prices are only displayed after registration and activation of the account. 
Additional customs documents were integrated. 
The development of the web shop system should also be carried out in such a way that other business areas can make use of the shop at any time via a sub shop.

eCommerce Supervision

As part of our eCommerce support offer, HQ GmbH is responsible for the following services for the DMT Group:

About us:

At HQ GmbH, we do a lot of things for you. For example: professional development, migration and relaunch using the Shopware Enterprise Edition. Additionally, we offer the implementation of staging systems, the development of eCommerce and the operation of shop systems for your business.